今日の福音書には三つのたとえ話があります。麦と毒麦のたとえ、からし種のたとえ、パン種の たとえです。イエス様はこれらのたとえを語られました。今日は最初のたとえ、麦と毒麦のたとえについて話したいと思います。
ある人が自分の畑に良い種を蒔いたのに、敵がやって来て麦の間に毒麦を蒔きました。それで、麦と毒麦が一緒に成長し始めます。 僕 たちが主人に言いました。毒麦を抜き集めておきましょうか? しかし、主人は言いました。「いいえ、毒麦を抜くとき、麦も一緒に抜くかもしれない。」
たとえば、幼稚園の初日に幼稚園へ行く小さな子供のことを考えてください。子どもは最初の数 日間、大きな不安や困難を経験するかもしれません。自分を快適に感じさせるものすべてから遠ざかってしまいます。そして、知らない人々と共に全く新しい環境に強制的に入られることになります。そ れはどれほど辛いでしょうか?あるいは、大学の入学初日を迎える 18 歳の若者のことを考えてみ ましょう。そしてここも、彼は自分の世界、つまり家族、友人、快適な環境を離れ、まったく異質な環境 に置かれています。初めて仕事に就いた若い女性のことを考えてください。彼女は学位を取得しており、心の準備ができており、自信を持っています。しかし今、その日が来て、彼女は仕事の初日に出発しなければなりません。そして、彼女がこの新しい世界に足を踏み入れるとき、大きな緊張、不安、恐怖が生じる可能性があります。したがって、これら三つの場合すべてにおいて、人生におけるより深い 成長、経験、そして喜びは困難なしには不可能です。(私も来日した時同じように感じました)
長年にわたって慢性疾患と闘ってきた人のことを考えてください。私はこのような苦しみを経験している人をたくさん知っています。多くの人は次のような質問をすることかもしれません。病気がなかったら、その人は忍耐力、勇気、共感力を身につけることができたでしょうか? 忍耐、勇気、信仰、粘り強く祈ることなどの多くの美徳は、その人がひどい病気と闘っていなければ得られなかったものです。
Be patience with the weeds.
There are three parables in today’s Gospel. The parable of the wheat and the weeds, the parable of the mustard seed, the parable of the Leaven. Jesus told these parables. I am going to speak about the first parable, that is the parable of the wheat and the weeds.
A man who sowed good seed in his field and then an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat. So, the wheat and the weeds begin to grow side by side. Slaves said to the planter. Shall we pull up the weeds? But he replies, no. If you pull up the weeds, you might uproot the wheat along with them.
This speaks something really fundamental in our spiritual experience. Some forms of good simply would not exist unless they were paired with certain types of evil. Yes, certain forms of good would not exist without certain forms of struggle or resistance or even wickedness.
For examples, think of a little kid heading off for his first day of school. The child may experience the enormous anxiety, difficulty in the initial days. You’re wrenched away from everything that makes you feel comfortable. And you're forced into this alien environment with people you don't know. How traumatic is that? Or think of an 18-year-old young man who is heading off for his first day of college. And same thing now at a higher pitch because you're more plugged in. You're leaving your whole world behind: your family, your friends and your comfortable environment and you're placed in this totally alien environment. Think of a young woman setting out for a first day of work. She has got her degree and she's full of confidence in preparation. But now the day has come and she has got to set out for the first day of work and there could be enormous nervousness, anxiety, tension as she enters this new world. So, in all three cases, deeper maturity, experience and ultimately joy would simply not be possible apart from suffering.
Think of somebody who has struggled mightily against the chronic disease for many years. I know many people who are going through these physical difficulties. In many cases you could ask the question: would that person have grown in patience, courage, empathy, without the illness? Lots of virtues such as patience, courage, faith, persistence in prayer etc., wouldn't have come unless the person is struggling against that illness. Like it or not, weeds and wheat grow up together. Tearing up the weeds isn't always the right answer.
God has shown us His mercy. God is so merciful and patient that He allows evil (weeds) to exist in order that what is good (wheat) may grow. He allows evil to exist also because He can turn it into good.
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