
全国霊的補佐 デソーザ・ジョンソン神父(OFMcap)より  年間第22主日の説教



 それを念頭に置いて、今日の第一朗読で預言者エレミヤ自身が何と言っているかを考えてみましょう(エレミヤ20:7-9)。 「主よ、あなたがわたしを惑わし、わたしは惑わされてあなたに捕らえられました。あなたの勝ちです。わたしは一日中、笑い者にされ、人が皆、わたしを嘲ります。」エレミャは神の御前に平安に立ち、いと高き方に単純な賛美の言葉を捧げているわけではありません。むしろ「見よ、あなたは私を預言者とし、私を惑わせたのです」と言っているのです。あなたは私にこのひどい重荷を与えました、そして今では私がそれを背負っているので皆が私を憎んでいます。


 公共の場で説教したり教えたりすることに携わった人なら誰でも、人々からの否定的なフィードバックを経験したことがあると思います。 「批判が多すぎるのでやめたい」と思ったら、伝えなければならない言葉が中骨の中に閉じ込められて火のように燃え上がるに違いません。押さえつけておこうとしてわたしは疲れ果てるのでわたしの負けです。


 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary time

A few weeks ago, I preached about the prophet Jeremiah; how the people rejected him for speaking in God’s name. Yet, he continued to trust in the Lord. Today’s first reading is from the 20th chapter of Jeremiah the Prophet (Jer 20:7-9). The nature of the prophet Jeremiah is majestic, deeply wise, afraid, angry, and frustrated. We see the whole range of emotions. He was the person just like us, conflicted and confused in the presence of God, not knowing what to do. The Lord gives him, the terrible burden. God doesn't say: “Hey, Jeremiah、You're going to announce wonderful good news, and because of it, you're going to be the most popular person in Israel.” On the contrary, he's given a terrible message to deliver that Israel is going to fall under God's judgement. God is going to use the Babylonians to punish Israel for its infidelity, idolatry and its mistreatment of the poor, and there's no escaping it. And all they can do really is accept this judgement, surrender to this foreign invader, and accept their exile and defeat. That was the message. Did it make him popular? No. On the contrary, everyone hated Jeremiah. The terror is coming from his contemporaries who are so angry with his message. Moreover, they didn't listen to him. So, let's say he was like the Prophet Jonah. The prophet Jonah announced his message, “You must repent” and the people of Nineveh repented and they accepted the message of God and Jonah was the most successful prophet in the history of Israel. Jeremiah was the opposite. They didn't listen to him. They persecuted him and they threw him down in the cistern. And we don't know this for sure, but very likely he was stoned to death by his own people. So, with that in mind, let’s listen what Jeremiah himself is speaking in today’s first reading (Jer 20:7-9). “You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped; you were too strong for me, and you triumphed. All the day I am an object of laughter; everyone mocks me.” This is not someone who is standing serenely in the presence of God, offering a simple word of praise to the Most High. This is someone saying, “l I was duped, because you gave me this terrible burden, and now I'm bearing it and everybody hates me.

The religious person is announcing the word of God in the midst of a culture, in the midst of people that doesn't want to hear it. Try speaking today in the public forum about the infinite dignity of every person from conception to natural death. Try talking about terror on every side. Try speaking against evils like war, terrorism, abortion, euthanasia etc. Try urging that everyone should be respected regardless of race, culture and creed. Try speaking that all marginalized people including the gay people should be valued and respected. Soon you will hear "terror on every side," as the prophet Jeremiah heard. That's what Jeremiah lived. He didn't find joyful success in the work that he's doing. He found derision and mockery and rejection.

Here is the most important part of his message. After experiencing opposition from the people, Jeremiah says “I say to myself, I will not mention Him, I will speak in His Name no more. But then it becomes like fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it.” Having received the negative feedback, he's now tempted to say, I want to quit. I'm not going to do this anymore. I think anyone who has been involved in preaching and teaching in public, has experienced negative feedback from the people. If I think “I want to withdraw because there are too many criticisms.” Then it becomes like fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones. I grow weary holding in it. I cannot endure it.

What about St. Paul? St. Paul was very much like Jeremiah. Was he always with the success? No. On the contrary, the people stoned him and they chased him out of the city and they persecuted him and finally put him to death. St. Paul had the same experience as Jeremiah. Yet St. Paul could say, “woe to me if I do not evangelize.” The Word of God got so deep into St. Paul, but he couldn’t stop evangelizing. So is Jeremiah.
The basic Catholic doctrine that every single baptized person is priest, king and prophet. You exercise your priesthood; every time you go to mass and every time you pray. You exercise your kingship, every time you help the people in every way and lead them toward the Kingdom of God. You exercise your prophecy, every time you speak the word of God. If I say, “I don't want that responsibility, Lord.” But then, it won’t let you go and it becomes like fire burning within you, and you cannot endure it. You will say “woe to me if I do not evangelize.

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