

2023年10月15日 年間第28主日




 私たちはこのたとえ話を文字通りに読んで、神が王のように振る舞っていると考えてはなりません。 「招きに応じなかった人を殺し、町を破壊するこのやばい王! ああ!それは神の振る舞う方法ですか?」ですから、これを文字通りに読んではいけません。

 日本の天皇が、王子の結婚式のために宮殿で開催される盛大な宴会にあなたを招待していると想像してみてください。 さて、その招待状を受け取ると、それに対してどのように反応しますか? 「ごめんなさい、行けません」 や 「大変忙しいです」と言いますか? それとも、「ぜひ行きたいけど、その夜は友達と食事に行く約束をしてしまった」と言うのですか。そのような招待を断るのは愚かではないでしょうか?

 今日の福音書のたとえ話に出てくる人々は、招待を受けたとき何をしましたか。 人々は招待を無視し、一人は畑に、一人は商売に出かけ、6また、他の人々は王の家来たちを捕まえて乱暴し、殺してしまった。


 神は私たちみんなが神の命にあずかる恵みを得ることを望んでおられます。この宴会で供される料理はあらゆる料理の中で最高のものです。 第一朗読(イザヤ書25章6節)にあるように、「万軍の主はこの山で祝宴を開き、すべての民に良い肉と古い酒を供される。それは脂肪に富む良い肉とえり抜きの酒。」  招待状を持ってきた家来たちは誰ですか?彼らは旧約聖書の預言者たちです。彼らはこの物語と同じような悲劇に遭遇しました。彼らは殺害されました。それが人々の激しい反応でした。だからこそ王の反応は極端なのです。





 Homily. 説教

 “The grace of being invited to the wedding feast of the Son of God”

The Gospel of today is one of the strangest and most shocking of the parables of Jesus as reported in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 22:1-14). It has to do with the king who gives a wedding party for his son and invites people to come but the people find all the excuses for not attending the wedding banquet. So, the king responds with a sort of extraordinary anger and he kills them and burns down their city. And then he invites all sorts of people from the streets to come for the banquet. The poor man shows up without wedding garment. The king rebukes him and throws him out into the darkness.

So, the people wonder what in the world this parable can mean. Many devout believers find the brutality and violence of this story unacceptable. The king might have been insulted and hurt, because the people didn't respond to the invitation, but would that give him a reason to kill them and then burn down their city? We just begin to wonder about the sanity of this king.

We shouldn't read this parable literally, as if God behaves the same way that king behaves. “This crazy king that kills people and destroys their city when they don't respond to him. Oh! that's how God reacts.” Don't allegorize or read in a straight forward in a literal way.

The king in the parable is the Lord of hosts is giving a banquet for his son. So, this is indeed God the Father as a King who's giving a wedding banquet for his son Jesus whose purpose is to unite the human race to God. God’s Loving son wants to marry the human race. You're being invited by the king to the wedding of his son. He wants to offer to all of us a share in His divine life. There's nothing more wonderful than this.

Imagine that the Emperor of Japan inviting you to a formal dinner at his royal palace, for the wedding of his son. Well, if you got that invitation, what would you do or say? Would you say, “Sorry, I can't come. I am busy.” Or would you say “I'd love to, but I've already agreed to go out to dinner with my friends that night.” It's ridiculous to turn down such an invitation.

What did the people do in the parable when they received the invitation? Some ignored the invitation and went away, one to his farm, another to his business. Some mistreated the servants who brought the invitation, and some killed them. So again, in our context, imagine a messenger has come from the Royal palace bringing the gracious invitation. And you killed him. The exaggerations are all over the place, not just on the side of the king, but everyone in this parable is acting in a strange way.

The food offered in this wedding banquet is the best of all possible foods. Look at our first reading (Is 25:6-10) which parallels the gospel. “On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines.”
Who are the servants who brought the invitation? They are all the prophets. They have been met with the tragedy of this story. They’ve been Murdered. That was the violent reaction of the people. That is why the King's reaction is so over the top.

How do we read God’s anger in the Bible? Don't literalize God’s anger. God is love and His Love is eternal. God doesn't have emotions the way we do. We shouldn't think that “Oh, God is in a good mood. but now I've done a bad thing, so I put Him in a bad mood.” God’s anger is His desire to set things right. So, the destruction of the city signals the negativity that the spiritual destruction that follows from refusing the divine invitation.

The Divine invitation has come to us through the church, though the sacraments, through the preaching, through the witness of holy people and so on. We all received this invitation from the king to the wedding of his son. What have you said to?

After the refusal, comes the universal invitation for everybody. So, the king says to his servants, “go out into the main roads, invite to the feast, whomever you find the bad and the good alike.” It means the relentless offer of His grace. Grace is given not because we're good, but to “the good and bad alike.” Grace is freely given.

The king comes to join his party and he finds a man without the proper wedding garment. And he upbraids him, eventually tossed him out of the festivities. It all seems kind of petty and unfair.

Well, how do we interpret? The acceptance of grace is essential. Grace comes first. We've all been invited into God's household. But then we must live in accord with the rules of that House. So, the wedding garment stands for the moral and the spiritual life. It stands for the renewal of the entire self. Let us clothe ourselves in spiritual values like love, peace, humility non-violence, compassion and so on. Jesus wants to shake us all by the shoulders to wake us up to these essential spiritual dynamics.




 2023年10月3日  師父聖フランシスコの帰天際の説教

 ここで重要な質問があります。800年近く経った今でも、なぜ私たちは聖フランシスコの死を記念するのでしょうか? 多くの人が毎日亡くなっていますが、毎年これほど荘厳に記念されることはありません。もしこれが自分の死のことだったとしたら、それは永遠に記念されるでしょうか?誰によって記念されるのでしょうか?どうやって記念されるのでしょうか?私は神と社会に記憶に値するような何かを与えることができたのでしょうか?これらの質問には答えなければなりません。一度死の瞬間を迎えると、もう後戻りはできません。私たちは戻ってきて、しなければならいことを達成することは出来ません。もう戻って赦しの秘跡も受けることは出来ません。私たちは今と同じ心の状態のまま、この世からあの世に移るでしょう。
 アッシジの聖フランシスコの死は、「死によって完全に終わるものは何もない」ということを私たちに思い出させます。800年経った今でも聖フランシスコの死を記念しているという事実がその証拠です。 もう一つの証拠は、私たちが蒔いたものは私たちが死んだ後も成長し続けるという事実です。私たちが信仰、愛、平和、赦し、希望、謙虚さ、喜びの種を蒔けば、それらは成長し続けて良い種となり、場合によっては木になることもあります。聖フランシスコは愛、赦し、従順、平和などの良い種を沢山蒔きました。
 聖フランシスコは完璧な社会に住んでいたわけではありません。 13 世紀には、病気、貧困、犯罪、戦争、宗教的紛争、社会的紛争、政治的紛争が日常生活の一部でした。聖フランシスコは生涯を通じて、罪を抱えたまま死ぬ危険性について兄弟姉妹に警告しました。多くの人が罪の意識を持っていないため、罪は存在しなくなったと言う人もいます。それは真実ではありません。

 キリストの福音は聖フランシスコの導き手でした。キリストは彼の模範でした。聖フランシスコの魂と神の心の間で結婚式が行われ、この霊的な結婚式で子供たちが生まれました。彼の兄弟 姉妹は神への絆から生まれた神の子供です。