


 待降節の第三主日は伝統的に「ガウデテ・サンディ」と呼ばれています。「喜びの日曜日」という意味です。ガウデテ(Gaudete) はラテン語の命令形です。「喜びなさい!」ということです。「主によってよろこびなさい。」 教会は私たちに「喜びなさい」と言い、第一朗読(イザヤ書 61:1-2、10-11)で私たちが喜ぶべき理由を教えてくださいます。 「メシア」即ち「救い主」とはイエスご自身です。 イエス様は宣教活動を始める前に、会堂に入り、聖書を朗読しようとしてお立ちになって、預言者イザヤの巻物をお開きになると、次のように書いてある個所が目に留まりました。(イザヤ書 61:1-2、10-11、ルカ4:18)

 「良い知らせ」 - 貧しい人々にとって喜ばしい知らせを意味します。イエス様は生涯をかけて貧しい人々に手を差し伸べました。 ここで、経済的に貧しい人だけではなく、心の貧しい人々のことも含まれています。確かに、イエス様の山上の説教の中で、「心の貧しい人々は幸いである」という言葉を聞きますが、心の貧しいとはどういう意味でしょうか。彼らは神から遠く離れ、人生の意味や目的を失った人々でした。 イエス様の生涯は、経済的に貧しい人々だけでなく、霊的に貧しい人々にも良い知らせを伝えることでした。 -だからこそ、私たちは喜ぶのです。

2.「打ち砕かれた心を。」 打ち砕かれた心を癒すために油そそがれました。

 イエス様は捕らわれた人に解放するために油を注がれました。 「捕らわれている」とは聖書の中で罪を表します。魂は天使のように飛ぶためのものなのです。魂は神の愛の関係の中でより広い世界に手を伸ばし、最終的には神に到達します。罪とは何ですか? 聖アウグスティヌスはそれを「Incurvatus in se」と呼んでいます。 “Incurvatus in se” ラテン語で「自分自身の中で曲がった/湾曲した」という意味です。神や他人の「外側」ではなく、自分自身の「内側」で生きる人生を表します。私は神との関係や友情を求めていないということです。私は自分自身の不安や心配に気を取られすぎて、それによって自分自身を自分の中に閉じ込めています。私たち罪人は皆、この霊的な牢獄の中にいるようなものです。多くの人が中毒や依存症に陥っています。その状態から出ることはできません。私たちの救い主であるイエスは、私たちをこうしたあらゆる形態の捕らわれの状態から解放するために来られました。キリストは十字架上で、神のあわれみと赦しをもたらし、最も暗い場所にも光と救いをもたらして下さいました。イエス様のあわれみを経験すると、私たちは喜ぶでしょう。

     Third Sunday of advent

The third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called “Gaudete Sunday.” Gaudete is a Latin imperative. It's a command. So, the Church is telling us to be happy and it gives us in the first reading (Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11), the reasons why we should rejoice. “The Messiah” and of course, it's Jesus himself who confirms this interpretation. Because at the beginning of his public life, when he gets up in the synagogue and it's his prerogative to choose the Scripture text and to comment upon it. Jesus precisely chooses this text (Luke 4:18, Is 61:1-2) that we're reading on Gaudete Sunday.

1. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, He has anointed me, and He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor.
“Glad tidings” - it means good news to the poor. Jesus spends reaching out to those who are poor. But he is also talking about the spiritually poor? Indeed, we hear that, in the gospels, in the Sermon of mount, “Blessed are the poor in spirit” What does that mean to be poor in spirit? And what he meant was those who are far from God, those who have lost the sense of meaning and purpose. Jesus’ life was all about announcing good news not only to those who are economically poor but also to the existentially poor. -That's why we rejoice, because all of us who are poor to varying degrees have been addressed by this good news.

2. He's anointed “to heal the brokenhearted.”
We speak of heartbreak as a kind of emotional suffering. But “the heart” in the Bible means that deepest center of thought and feeling and action. It's closer probably what we mean by the word “soul.” It's the very center of a person. Think of all the various things we’re engaged in: our relationships, our families, our work and all that we do. But at the ground of all of that, there's the heart. And the heart is meant to be in union with God. So, who are the broken hearted? It's all of us. All of us who's hearts have been alienated from God, and therefore we experience a deep sadness in our hearts. What's Jesus come to do? He has come to Heal the broken hearted. He has come to save, to restore us to friendship with God. And when we experience that we will rejoice.

3. He’s anointed “to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners.”
Captivity means to be imprisoned. It's one of the great metaphors for sin in the Bible. The soul is meant to fly. The soul is meant to reach out to the wider world in relationship in love. The soul is meant to reach out finally to God. What does Sin do? St. Augustine calls it being “Incurvatus in se.” It means “caved in on myself.” I'm not seeking relationship and friendship with God. I'm so preoccupied with my own little concerns that I've caved in around myself, and I've locked myself thereby into a prison. It is not a literal prison. But this spiritual prison that all of us sinners are in. Many people are caught in an addictive pattern. You can't break out. The Messiah has come to liberate us from all these forms of self-imposed imprisonment. On the cross Christ becomes sin so as to bring the Divine Mercy and forgiveness, and liberation even into those darkest places. All of us sinners are to varying degrees in prison and addiction, because all sin is a type of addiction.
So, pray to the Lord: “Lord, I know I'm in prison, and so I'm awaiting the good news that you've come to liberate me.” And therefore “Gaudete!” Rejoice! May God bless us all.

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