今日は待降節の第一主日であり、典礼暦では新しい年の始まりです。新年のお祝いと同じように、待降節にも私たちは霊的な基本に立ち返り、再出発することが重要です。待降節に入ると、最も有名な賛美歌を思い出します。「久しく待ちにし 主よ、とく来たりて、み民のなわめを 解き放ちたまえ。」 日々の祈りや個人的な祈りの中で、この賛美歌の言葉を黙想するだけでも待降節を有意義に過ごすことができると思います。
では、この賛美歌に登場するイメージの背景にはどのようなものがあるのでしょうか。この讃美歌の背景には、古代世界でよく見られた誘拐現象のイメージがあります。誰かが旅に出ることは非常に危険であると考えられていました。特に裕福であれば、旅行中に捕らえられ、身代金を要求される可能性がありました。そして、一度誘拐されて、遠く離れた場所に連れて行かれていました。周りには敵がいて、自分を助ける方法は何もありませんでした。彼らは孤独な亡命先で悲しんでいました。その状況で自分にできることは、忍耐をもって待つこと、そして希望を持つことだけです。そうすれば、誰かが来て、その方の釈放の費用を払ってくれるかもしれません。だからこそ、捕らわれた人は「インマヌエルなる主よ、来てください。捕らわれたイスラエルの民を贖ってください。わびしい囚われの身となっています。神の愛する御子の御顔から遠く離れています。喜べ、インマヌエルなる主があなたのもとに来られる」と祈りの中で叫んでいるのです。 もちろん、「インマヌエル」とは「神が我々と共におられる」という意味です。ですから、遠く離れた国で孤立していた人は、「インマヌエル、すぐ来てお救いください」と祈っていました。
これらすべてを念頭に置いて、第一朗読の最初の言葉を考えてみましょう。 (イザヤ 63:16―17; 64:1,3-8)「主よ、あなたはわたしたちの父です。「わたしたちの贖い主」これは永遠の昔からあなたの御名です。」 イエス様は私たちの贖い主。私たちの救い主です。贖い主は、英語で「Redeemer」と呼ばれ、ラテン語で 「買い戻す」を意味する「redimere」に由来しています。この意味するところは、救い主であるイエス様は私たちを奴隷や捕虜から買い戻すことができるお方だということです。身代金のために捕らわれたときに救い主を呼び求めています。イエス様は私たちを買い戻すことができる唯一の主です。イエス様は私たちを捕らわれの状態からから解放してくださる主です。
First Sunday of Advent
Today we begin the Advent season, the beginning of the liturgical year. And like New Year's celebrations, it is important for us to get back to our spiritual basics to start again. Every time Advent rolls around, I remind myself about the most famous hymn of our Advent season, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel and redeem thy captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear.” I think we can spend our whole Advent just musing on those lines in our private prayers.
So, what's the setting for this image in this song? The setting for the image is the phenomenon of kidnapping which was quite common in the ancient world. Somebody would be on the road to be travelling and that's one reason, travel was considered so dangerous. Because you could be captured and held for ransom, especially if you're a relatively wealthy person, they would target you. And once you were kidnapped and you were taken away, maybe to a distant land. You’ve got enemies around you. You have no means of helping yourself. You’re mourning in lonely exile. All you could do in that situation wait, watch, and hope. So that, someone might come and pay for your release. That's why, the person who was held captive, says “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” And of course, “Emmanuel” means “God with us.” So, if someone longing for God, if someone who feels isolated, separated in a different and a distant country, that person cries: “Oh come, O Come, Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel.”
When I had left home, especially when I came to Japan many years ago. That was the experience of being a long way from home. I was feeling lonely. I was struggling to speak Japanese language. And all I could do is hope, wait and watch.
With all this in mind, let us listen to the opening lines of our first reading. (Is 63:16b—17; 64:1,3-8) “You, LORD, are our father, our redeemer you are named forever.” Redeemer is a kind of religious term. Jesus is our Redeemer or our savior. The English word Redeemer is derived from a Latin term, “redimere”, which means to buy back. The implication is that God is best named as the one who can buy us back from slavery or captivity. We were held for ransom and now we're calling upon God the Father. You're the one Lord who can buy us back. You can release us from our captivity.
The best way I think, for us today to understand all of this, is to speak of addiction. When you're addicted to alcohol, or addicted to pornography or to drugs, or to work, or to your own success, or to money or to fame, whatever it is. When you're addicted to those things, you are out of control. It's as though you're in the grip of a power that is alien to your purposes. The good that I would do, that's what I don't do. The evil that I would avoid, that's what I do. Because, I've been held captive, I cannot even in principle solve the problem myself. The more you try on your own efforts, that tighter you pull those chains around yourself. As long as he tries to lift himself up by his own bootstraps, the deeper he tends to fall into his addiction.
What we need to do is to admit our powerlessness and turn our life over to the higher power of God. We’re completely lost. We are incapable of saving ourselves, but Jesus gives us with the divine love, his life, his death, his rising from the dead represents God's unmerited favor to us. God invites us to have a fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. We who are captive who can only cry out, “oh come, O Come, Emmanuel”. We have heard now the good news, the word of grace. That’s the advent’s space we're meant to move into. God Bless you all.
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