今日の第一朗読は、トーラー即ちペンタチューク(モーセ五書)の最後の本である申命記からです。 今日の第一朗読(申命記18:15-20)に記録されているモーセの話は、非常に興味深いです。モーセは言います。「あなたの神、主はあなたの中から、あなたの同胞の中から、わたしのような預言者を立てられる。あなたたちは彼に聞き従わねばならない。」なぜこれは興味深い箇所なのでしょうか?モーセは旧約聖書の最も偉大な人物であり、燃える柴の中から神の声を聞き、その通りに従った方です。また、イスラエルの民を解放するために神に召され、砂漠を通ってイスラエルの民を約束の地へ導いた人です。神から十戒を受けて、神と顔を合わせて友人のように話したモーセは、イスラエルの中で最高の権威を持っていた人物でした。神がモーセを通して律法をお与えたになったので、モーセは唯一の権威のもととなったわけです。 それなら、なぜモーセは「神なる主はわたしのような預言者を立てられる。あなたたちは彼に聞き従わねばならない」と言ったのでしょうか。 モーセのこの教えがイスラエル人の中で不安をもたらします。 イスラエル人は、人々が従うべきこの偉大な人物は誰なのか疑問に思いました。イスラエルではイザヤ、エレミヤ、エゼキエル、などの預言者が誕生していたので、人々はモーセが話していたのは「おそらく、その人たちの一人ではないだろうか」と思ったに違いありません。
今日の福音書を読めば、モーセの予言に関してのことがよく理解できると思います。(マルコ1;21-28)イエスは、安息日にカファルナウムの会堂(シナゴーグ)に入って教えていました。 通常、当時の律法学者たちは、モーセや預言者が教えたのと同じような方法で教えていました。 しかし、イエスは当時の律法学者と異なり、明らかに自分自身の新しい方法で教えられていました。 人々はイエス様の教えを聞いて驚きました。なぜなら、イエス様は権威をもって教え、奇跡を行っておられました。神と顔を合わせ、友人のように話したモーセ以外に、誰がそのような権威をもって教えることができたのでしょうか?
イエス様は汚れた霊に取りつかれた男に何と言われたでしょうか? 「黙れ。この人から出て行け」。その時、汚れた霊はその人にけいれんを起こさせ、大声をあげて出て行きました。この奇跡を行ったとき、イエス様はモーセのように振舞うことはされませんでした。むしろ、イエス様は自分自身の権威で汚れた霊に命じ、悪霊を追い払いました。皆、イエス様の力に驚いて、「これはいったい何か?」とお互いに尋ねました。「権威のある新しい教えだ。汚れた霊でも、その言うことを聴く。」 イエス様は分裂された共同体を癒してくださる神です。モーセが預言したように 「わたしのような預言者を立てられる。あなたたちは彼に聞き従わねばならない。」モーセよりも偉大な方はイエス・キリストです。イエス様を信じ、イエス様を受け入れることこそが、キリスト教の信仰です。そのイエス様は主である神です。いつもイエス様の御心に従うことができますように、聖霊の導きと照らしを祈り求めましょう。
Our first reading is from the book of Deuteronomy, the last book of the Torah or the Pentateuch. The one of his speeches recorded here in Deuteronomy chapter 18:15-20, is extremely interesting. “A prophet like me, will the LORD, your God, raise up for you from among your own kindred; that is the one to whom you shall listen.” Why is it a peculiar passage? The speaker here is Moses. Moses is the greatest figure in the Old Testament; Moses is the one to whom God spoke from the burning bush; Moses who was called by God to liberate the people of Israel; Moses who led the Israelites across the desert to Mount Sinai; Moses who received from God Himself the 10 commandments; Moses who saw God face to face and talked to Him as his actual friend. If God has given the Torah (the Law) to Moses, then from Moses, the sole authority is derived. Whenever a Scribe or a Rabbi teaches within the Israelite tradition, he is appealing finally to the great authority of Moses. If the authority is derived from Moses, why he must say, “A prophet like me, God will raise up and to Him you shall listen.” This teaching of Moses causes anxiety among the Israelites. Who would be that person, that is greater than Moses? Every time, when the prophets arose like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc., people must have thought that, ‘maybe he is the one’ that Moses talked about.
If we read today’s Gospel (Mk 1:21-28), then we will be able to understand the Moses’ prediction about the prophet greater than him. We see that Jesus is teaching and preaching in the Synagogue. Usually, Teachers of the law and Rabbis of the Old Testament were teaching in the style of former Prophets and Rabbis. But Jesus was preaching the Word of God obviously in a different way. The people were astonished at His teaching. For, He taught them as one having the authority. Who could possibly teach with that kind of Authority, if he is not the one who is greater than Moses who saw God face to face and talked to him as his friend?
Let’s see what happens here. There emerges in the Synagogue, a man with the unclean spirit. The first demon that Jesus comes across, is in the Synagogue (a house of worship). In other word, we can say that the first demon comes up in the Church. We think that there must be a great enemy of the church outside. No, it is from within the church, that there is dark and negative divisive spirit arises.
But the man with unclean spirit cries out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? “A single person speaks as if he is plural. That is diabolic. Diabolic means, to scatter, to divide. He is divided within oneself. When we live in divided or diabolic self, it gives rise to division all around it. All the divisions, hatred, violence, revenge that emerge against God’s creation.
What did Jesus say? “Quiet, come out of him.” And with that the demon left him. Here, Jesus is not appealing to Moses. With his own voice he commands him and the demon leaves. All were amazed at his teaching and asked one another, “what is this?” a new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirit and they obey him. Jesus is God himself healing his divided creation. As Moses predicted; “A prophet like me, will the LORD, your God, raise up for us”, then we must listen to him. The divinity of Jesus is revealed in the authority by which he speaks. Believing in Jesus and accepting Him as our Lord God is what Christianity is all about. Let us pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we can always listen to the words of our Lord Jesus and follow His will.
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